Remote Accounting

Bookkeeping for condo corporations should not be a chore for property managers or boards. Now, it no longer is.


Bookkeeping for condo corporations is no longer a chore for the administrators.

Paper versions of documents are a thing of the past as work flows have become digital. Digitizing documents comes with many benefits including saving time and money by no longer having the need to send documents by mail. The cost savings are passed on directly to you.

Also, you can now keep all of your original documents in your office, without the risk of misplacing or losing them. You will also save on your audit fees because your accounting will have been verified by a professional accountant.

You have the option of what is communicated to the owners. On top of that, we take care of promptly and accurately informing them. Monthly financials are sent every month by email to all board members. Furthermore, a free web portal is offered with the bookkeeping service - a huge added value for the board and owners.

Bookkeeping Features

Online document access

Access financials and other documents online.

Easy document sharing with administrators

Share documents seamlessly with other administrators.

Easy document sharing with owners

Easily share important documents with owners.

Owner access of documents

Each owner gets to see their account statement and also be able to edit their information as needed.

Property Management Accounting by Professional Accountants

Accounting for Condo offers superior bookkeeping/accounting services by leveraging technology and experienced professional accountants specializing in condo accounting. Powerful and practical, we make your life easier by making you more efficient.

Electronic Payment

Automatically collect condo fees each month at a low cost

View Electronic Payment Features
Home Support Services for Seniors

Home support services for seniors

View Seniors Support Features
Website Services

Owners can check financial statements from the web

View Website Features

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